The Directors and employees of Principle Property Services Ltd (PPS) accept to having a responsibility to the future environment and ensuring its sustainability for the good of the community and suppliers.

In accepting this responsibility, our practices which may have a wider impact on the environment, must contribute to the preservation and social progress of all who may be affected.

Using United Kingdom law as the basic requirement, PPS will comply with this legislation, but will be committed to achieve results which are in excess of the applicable law.

To enable this to be achieved, the following objectives are listed as key to its success:-


  • Make sure that within the duties completed for our customers we respect the safety and health of all who may be affected.
  • Ensure the service supplied to our clients meets all contractual requirements and moral obligations.


  • To co-operate with our suppliers and work with them to adopt similar practices and policies.
  • Ensure a safe working environment for all suppliers working on our behalf.


  • Provide an environment which is safe for all concerned.
  • On a regular basis consult with the employees to ensure their concerns and needs are considered during business decisions.
  • Comply with all legislation related to Heath and Safety and Employment Law.
  • To be fair and without prejudice during all dealings irrespective of ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or race.
  • To help all our employees realise their potential by giving them training and education opportunities.
  • To reward them fairly.